WPF Application Architecture - Solution Design

I have been recently asked to design an application architecture for WPF application. In this modern world, I was wondering why we need to go for desktop application rather than a web and started thinking in what way I can leverage the web technologies. Pretty much, somewhere in my mind I still think, this customer will come back in the near future and ask some web application or dashboard kind of stuff. After all business requirement is ever changing and the application design must withstand the changing requirements.

By keeping these in mind, I have decided to move on with the Client / Server architecture to completely decouple the Server logic from the Client so that when there is a need to switch over to the new client (web), it makes my job much easier.

Below are the list of technologies used in my application.

  • Client
    • WPF
  • Server
    • AWS API Gateway
    • AWS Lambda
    • Amazon DynamoDB
Structure of Application
